Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Man, oh, man! What a wild time at Seattle's ZomBcon this past weekend! The Dickheads made their big debut, and people really embraced them as their own.
People really liked the book. I had plenty of people who bought it earlier in the weekend come back to tell me they loved it. Folks really liked the exclusive print, too. There are a few of them left. If you want one, hit me up at zombidickheads@gmail.com to see their availability.

Zombie fans are some of the most hardcore subgenre fans around. There were plenty of people done up in  all kinds of creative zombie makeups. Going zombie is a great way to get some mileage out of your other costumes. Cosplayed as Super Mario Bros. for Comic-con? Now you can be Super Zombio Bros.!

"It's-a meat, Mario!"

Here's an actual zombie talking on his phone and ignoring me. He's got Zombie Dickhead written all over him.

He's not mysterious. I'm just a shitty photographer.

The zombie medical community was out in full effect, too. 

Physician, eat thyself.
Helloooooo, Nurse boobs!
Speaking of zombie boobs....

Makeup by Bandersnatch Studios
All in all, ZomBcon was a tremendous success! Thanks to Ryan Reiter, Jerry Farley, and all ZomBcon staff for taking good care of me, and to all the fans who came out!

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